You Are Made in a Divine Image

By Eileen Noyes

Aug 14, 2024

On our spiritual path as women of faith, we often encounter moments that challenge our understanding of God's love and our place in His grand design. I've experienced my fair share of trials and transformations that have reshaped my beliefs and deepened my relationship with God. 


Today, we'll explore a fundamental truth that has become an anchor in my life and can be in yours, too: we are created in God's image. This powerful concept has the potential to revolutionize how we view ourselves and our purpose in this world. Join me as we discover how to step boldly into the life God has prepared for each of us.

Recognizing Your Divine Heritage

In a world that often diminishes our worth, we need to remember that we are created in God's image. This foundational principle should shape our worldview and self-perception, helping us find and feel our full potential.


Throughout my life, I've encountered various interpretations of what it means to be created in God's image. Some have even tried to argue that women are not included in this divine design. However, the Bible is clear: both male and female were created in God's likeness.


Embracing this truth can be transformative. When we truly understand that we bear the imprint of the Divine, we view ourselves, treat others, and approach our purpose in life differently. It's not about physical appearance but about reflecting God's character, creativity, and love in our unique ways.

My Experience with Confusion and Clarity

My journey to fully grasp what it means to be created in God's image wasn't always smooth. There was a time when I was told that it was "not a big deal" that I, as a woman, wasn’t created in God’s image. This misconception, rooted in a misinterpretation of scripture, opened the door to a lot of deception and personal struggle.


For months, I found myself arguing and trying to reason logically with those who held this belief, including my ex-husband. It was a consuming battle that left me doubting myself, especially given the dynamics of our relationship, in which I wasn't the more vocal one.


The turning point came when God spoke to my heart, asking if I would continue to fight for myself or let Him fight for me. It was then that He led me to 2 Corinthians 3:18, "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

The Transformative Power of God's Word

When God revealed 2 Corinthians 3:18 to me, it was like someone had switched on a light bulb. Suddenly, I didn't have to argue anymore; I had found unshakeable truth in God's word.


This scripture teaches us that we are not only created in God's image but are continually being transformed into His likeness. It's an ongoing process, moving from one level of glory to another, guided by the Holy Spirit. From glory to glory.


Understanding this truth filled me with security and confidence. It reassures us that regardless of what others may say or how we may feel, our identity as image-bearers of God is unchanging. This realization became a turning point in my faith journey and has been a source of strength ever since.

Living Out Your Divine Identity

Recognizing that we, as women, are created in God's image is just the beginning. The real challenge - and joy - comes in living out this truth daily. It's about allowing this knowledge to permeate every aspect of our lives.


As women, we often juggle multiple roles and identities. We may be daughters, wives, mothers, professionals, or all of the above. But underlying all these roles is our fundamental identity as daughters of God, created in His image.


Living out this identity means embracing our inherent worth, using our God-given gifts, and fulfilling our unique purpose. It's about reflecting God's love, creativity, and character in our interactions with others and in how we navigate life's challenges.

Choose to Embrace Your Worth

My Lady Bellators, this isn't about pride or self-importance; it's about acknowledging the incredible value that God has placed within you. When you truly understand and accept this truth, it will revolutionize how you live, love, and lead.


Remember, you are not just created in God's image; you are being continually transformed into His likeness. This is a journey from glory to glory, and each step brings you closer to fully reflecting His character. Don't let shame, doubt, or the opinions of others hold you back. You are beautifully and wonderfully made, equipped with unique gifts and a specific purpose.


I invite you to join me on this exciting journey of discovery and growth. Let's support each other as we step boldly into the lives God has prepared for us. Together, we can make a powerful impact in this world, shining as beacons of God's love and grace.


You are a masterpiece of the Divine Artist. Embrace your worth, live out your purpose, and let your light shine brightly. The world needs a unique reflection of God's image, which only you can provide. 




Until next time, love well, celebrate your strength, and discover the new things you are capable of. You are a light in the lives of those around you, and no night is too dark for you to find your way.
