Understanding Personal Authority With Eileen Noyes

By Eileen Noyes

Aug 21, 2024

Welcome to The Unsidelined Life! In this week's podcast, we talked a lot about authority. The Bible talks a lot about God having authority and how He gives authority to other people for different themes. This concept led to my understanding of what I call personal authority. 


God grants each of us personal authority as we choose to live our lives to the fullest no matter our circumstances or situations. By seeking God’s will through our good and bad experiences God makes us into people who can help others who are going through things we have already experienced. Join me as we explore how each unique journey, including your struggles and triumphs, prepares you to make a meaningful impact on others' lives.

Redefining Authority

When we think of authority, we often picture someone in a position of power or with special credentials, but personal authority stems from our lived experiences. It's not about having all the answers or being perfect; it's about the wisdom and understanding we gain throughout our lives. 


Authority doesn't come from a place of superiority but rather from a place of shared experiences. This redefinition opens up new possibilities for all of us. It means that our struggles, challenges, and failures can become powerful tools for connecting with and helping others. When we embrace our experiences, both good and bad, we gain the ability to truly empathize and offer meaningful support to those facing similar situations.

The Authority of Personal Experience

Our personal experiences shape our understanding of the world and give us unique insights that can be invaluable to others. This type of authority isn't about having all the answers or being perfect. It's being able to say, "I've been there, I understand, and here's what I learned." It's about offering hope and guidance based on your own journey, not from a place of superiority but from a place of shared humanity.


Recognizing and embracing this authority can be different. It allows us to see our past struggles not as obstacles or shameful experiences but as valuable lessons that have equipped us to help others. This shift in perspective can bring newfound purpose and meaning to our lives.

God's Authority and Our Experiences

My understanding of personal authority is rooted in my faith. God uses our experiences, both good and bad, to equip us for His purposes. This allows us to see even our most difficult trials as part of a larger plan.


My faith was tested through various life challenges, including some very extreme situations. These experiences, while painful, gave me unique insights into the nature of my faith, deception, and the importance of staying grounded in biblical truth.


Our authority doesn't come from our own strength or wisdom but from God working through our experiences. This is a reminder that nothing in our lives is wasted—even our deepest struggles can bring hope and healing to others.

Stepping Into Your Authority

Recognizing your personal authority is one thing; stepping into it is another. Here is how I go about sharing my insights:


  1. Identify your unique experiences
  2. Share with humility
  3. Ask for permission
  4. Keep learning
  5. Stay grounded in faith


Stepping into your authority doesn't mean becoming authoritarian. Instead, it's about offering your experiences as a resource for others, always with humility and respect.


I initially doubted my ability to mentor others because I lacked certain certifications or formal training. However, over time, I have come to realize that my life experiences – as a mother, wife, and woman of faith – have equipped me with valuable insights and skills that were directly applicable to mentoring and coaching.

Your Story Matters

As we wrap up this exploration of personal authority, it's clear that our life experiences—both the triumphs and the trials—have equipped us to impact others in unique ways. Your story matters, and there are people out there who need to hear it.


Take some time to reflect on your own journey. Where might you be overstepping bounds by offering advice in areas where you lack experience? Conversely, where might you be holding back from sharing valuable insights gained through your life experiences?


Embracing your personal authority isn't about having all the answers or being perfect. It's about being willing to share your journey – the good, the bad, and the ugly – in a way that can bring hope, healing, and understanding to others.


Your experiences have given you authority in certain areas of life. Don't be afraid to step into that authority and use it to make a positive impact on the world around you.


Your story is powerful. Your experiences matter. And through them, you have the authority to bring hope and healing to others. So go ahead – step into your authority and make a difference in someone's life today.




Until next time, love well, celebrate your strength, and discover the new things you are capable of. You are a light in the lives of those around you, and no night is too dark for you to find your way.
