Standing Firm in God's Promises During Life's Fire Storms
By Eileen Noyes
In a world where social media presence and personal branding often clash with real-world challenges, how do we navigate promoting our work while others are suffering? This question weighs heavily on Eileen Noyes, host of The Unsidelined Life podcast and former NFL wife, as she grapples with celebrating her podcast's growth while facing California's devastating wildfires. As a faith-driven entrepreneur and author of Sidelined No More and Rise Up Lady Bellator, Eileen brings her experiences in both the professional sports world and her personal journey of faith. Today she speaks to women who find themselves lost in the shuffle of life, especially those in high-profile relationships like professional sports marriages.
God's Personal Promises
The journey of understanding God's promises begins with recognizing His interest in being involved in our lives and our part in letting him be a part of it. For Eileen, despite pressure to rush into marriage during training camp, she insisted on waiting for clear direction from God. By waiting for the go ahead from God, she knew it was time to leave her job as a strength coach and move to Green Bay with a one-way ticket.
This personal guidance became crucial during the challenging times that followed. When their marriage faced difficulties, including a devastating fight that led to heartbreak, Eileen found strength in remembering God's plan for her. She chose to remain anchored in the certainty that God had led her there.
The impact of divine guidance extends beyond any immediate situation. Years later, when her son asked if she regretted marrying his father, she could confidently say no, understanding that God's plan included bringing her children into the world. This personal promise from God became a foundation she could stand on, regardless of where she was at in life.
Finding Peace in God's Word
During times of crisis, whether personal or communal like the California wildfires, finding peace can feel impossible. However, when we anchor ourselves in God's given promises it gives us stability when everything else feels uncertain. Treat God's promises with the same certainty as a parent's promise to their child.
Unlike human promises that can be broken due to unforeseen circumstances or simple fatigue, God's promises remain unshakeable. He will hold up his end when we don’t hold up ours. This truth becomes particularly powerful when facing life's storms, as Eileen experienced both with her marriage and later with her son's heart condition. When doctors predicted her son would need open-heart surgery and never play sports again, she found specific promises in Scripture that spoke directly to her situation.
The power of God's word manifested in remarkable ways, as her son's condition improved without surgery, and he went on to play sports normally. This reinforced the importance of not just reading but claiming God's promises as personal guarantees for our situations.
Three Ways to Hear God's Voice
There are three distinct ways we can hear and recognize God's voice in our lives. Because He is your Father, God can communicate with you personally. He knows you best and knows what signs and/or miracles will help you hear His voice whether it's through short clear directives whispered to your heart, specific guidance in immediate situations or internal confirmations that you are on the right path.
God has given us His word so that we may come to know Him better, be comforted, and be guided by the promises in the Bible. You can hear His voice as you read scripture and certain verses suddenly stand out. Through direct passages that help address your current situations and confirmations of His guidance through other people sharing the same scriptures that had impacted you.
Our Father in Heaven has also made promises with us through the scriptures and may even make individual covenants with you throughout your journey of faith. There are general promises given to all who believe in Him and act in faith throughout their lives. There are promised blessings found in scripture and more that are specific to you and your situations. We can have faith in God’s promises and feel peace in knowing we will have the blessings we need when hard things happen if we continue to turn to him.
Practical Application of God's Promises
Understanding God's promises is one thing; applying them to daily life is another. You can use God's promises as spiritual weapons during challenging times. Just as her children hold her accountable to her promises, we can have faith that God keeps His promises to us.
This practice becomes particularly powerful during times of crisis or uncertainty. Whether facing natural disasters like wildfires or personal challenges, we can anchor ourselves in specific promises from Scripture. This means standing firmly on His declared word.
The practice of "committing" things to God, for Eileen, has become a practical way to release worry and trust in His promises. Whether it's marriage, children, business ventures, or personal calling, we can actively place these concerns in God's hands while holding onto His promises for protection and provision.
Your Invitation to Trust
The journey of trusting God's promises isn't just about surviving difficult times; it's about thriving through them. As you face your own storms, whether they're personal challenges, natural disasters, or seasons of uncertainty, remember that God's promises aren't just ancient words on a page – they're living declarations for your life today.
You don't have to navigate these challenges alone and there will always be someone there for you. Like Eileen, you can choose to stand firm in what God has spoken to you, even when circumstances suggest otherwise. Start today by identifying the promises that speak to your situation, writing them down, and anchoring yourself in their truth. God's word will always be something you can rely on, and His promises remain unshaken, regardless of the storms that surround you.
Take the first step toward a deeper trust in God's promises. Begin journaling His promises, speaking them over your situation, and watching how He faithfully fulfills each one in His perfect timing. Your story of faith might just become the testimony that helps someone else stand firm in their own storm.