Rise Up: Finding Your Purpose and Overcoming Life’s Struggles

By Eileen Noyes

Jul 31, 2024

In this week’s episode of The Unsidelined Life, I sat down with Jewels Christine, a single mother of four and founder of the nonprofit yoga and wellness company Arise. Jewels' journey from a tumultuous childhood to becoming a beacon of hope for struggling women resonated deeply with my own experiences.


Like many of us, Jewels has weathered her fair share of storms - growing up in a home affected by addiction, navigating divorce, and facing financial instability. Yet, through it all, she's managed to not only survive but thrive, channeling her experiences into a mission to help other women reclaim their lives.


In our conversation, we got into the nitty-gritty of rising above life's challenges and pursuing purpose in the face of adversity. Here are some key takeaways from our discussion that I believe can benefit anyone looking to rebuild their life after a setback.

The Ongoing Work of Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn't a one-and-done deal. It's a continual process that requires intentional effort. Jewels shared how learning to forgive her ex-husband was crucial for her healing and ability to co-parent effectively. I related to this, recalling my own journey of forgiveness after my divorce.


We both emphasized that forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. It's about deciding to release the person who hurt you from the debt they owe, even when your emotions are screaming otherwise. This doesn't mean condoning harmful actions or staying in unhealthy situations. Rather, it's about freeing yourself from the burden of bitterness and resentment.


In my own life, I've had to revisit forgiveness multiple times, especially when old hurts resurface. It's not always easy, but I've found that each time I choose forgiveness, I'm able to move forward with greater peace and clarity.

Rediscovering Identity Beyond Roles

One of the most challenging aspects of major life changes, especially for women, is rediscovering who we are outside of our roles as wives and mothers. Jewels spoke about feeling lost after her divorce, unsure of her identity beyond her family roles. This resonated strongly with my own experience.


During our conversation, we explored the importance of reconnecting with passions and interests that may have been put on the back burner. For Jewels, this meant rekindling her love for fitness and wellness, which eventually led to the creation of Arise. In my case, it involved rediscovering my passion for writing and starting this podcast.


We both found that pursuing interests outside of our family roles not only helped rebuild our sense of self but also made us better mothers. It's about giving yourself permission to explore your gifts and callings, recognizing that nurturing your own growth ultimately benefits everyone around you.

The Vital Role of Community

Isolation can be a killer when you're trying to rebuild your life. Both Jewels and I stressed the importance of finding and nurturing supportive communities during times of struggle and transition.


Jewels shared how connecting with other women who understood her experiences was crucial to her healing journey. For me, moving to a new area and forming friendships like the one I have with Jewels reminded me of the irreplaceable value of in-person connections, even in our digital age.


Building a support network isn't always easy, especially when you're feeling vulnerable. But it's worth the effort. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate community:


  • Join local groups or classes aligned with your interests
  • Attend church or community events regularly
  • Reach out to acquaintances to deepen connections
  • Consider joining or starting a support group for people in similar situations
  • Volunteer for causes you care about

Embracing Your Calling with Grit

Perhaps the most powerful part of our conversation centered on the importance of pursuing your calling, even when it feels daunting or uncertain. Jewels shared her experience of starting Arise despite facing financial challenges and uncertainties. Her story of being invited on a mission trip to Africa and seeing how her skills could make a difference served as a powerful example of how embracing your calling can lead to unexpected opportunities.


I related to this, thinking back on my own journey of starting this podcast and writing my book. It wasn't always easy, and there were plenty of moments of self-doubt. But I've learned that taking action on what you feel called to do, even when you don't feel fully prepared, is often the catalyst for growth and impact.


We both emphasized the importance of trusting in your unique gifts and abilities and having the courage to use them to make a difference. It's not about having it all figured out from the start but about being willing to take that first step and learn as you go.

Loving the Messy Journey: From Setbacks to New Beginnings

Rising from adversity isn't a linear process. It's messy, challenging, and often involves two steps forward and one step back. But as Jewels' story and my own experience have shown, it's entirely possible to rebuild your life and find a new purpose after significant setbacks.


The key is to approach the journey with patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to do the hard work of healing and growth. Forgiveness, rediscovering your identity, building community, and pursuing your calling are all vital components of this process.


Remember, your past struggles don't define you. They can, however, become the very experiences that fuel your ability to make a difference in the world. So take that first step, whatever it may be for you. Trust that as you move forward, even imperfectly, you're creating a new story - one of resilience, purpose, and hope.

